The government in England has set out a four-tier system effective from Sunday 20th December.

BY Dave Millward
December 28th, 2020

Regardless of which tier we may find ourselves in the future, we will endeavour to do our upmost to continue to support our members who have given us so much during 2020. We are currently in Tier 3 and as we continue to closely monitor the situation, we would like to bring you up to date on how each tier will affect what services we are allowed to bring to you.

Tiers 1 & 2

  • We continue to operate as usual. Gym and classes not affected.

Tier 3

  • Gym is open as usual.
  • Indoor Classes cannot take place. We will offer an Online class timetable, via the Zoom app.
  • Outdoor Classes, such as Bootcamp, Rip-Up and Saturday morning Kettle Fitness can take place.

Tier 4

  • All non-essential businesses must close under Government COVID-19 rules this includes Indoor gyms.
  • Online class timetable (via the Zoom app), as Tier 3 will continue to run.

The timetable for our Zoom classes from January 2021 to be confirmed. Watch this space